On October 15th, my candle will be lit. When I light my little pomegranate candle with the Chinese inscription for 'family' on it, I'll be thinking of the little bean I said goodbye to at just past ten weeks this June. I'll also be thinking of all the little angels my friends in the blogosphere have had to say goodbye to as well. Now that I know what it feels like to experience this type of loss, how truly earth shattering it is, I am fully prepared to help in this cause. In fact, rather than letting this be an issue that remains hushed, I'm seriously considering posting this on my 'real' blog as well. Coming out of the closet, if you will. I think I preceded this in good timing with my post about preventative and genetic testing. I believe that more can be done with regards to miscarriage and infant loss and yet, our medical industry is better equipped to react rather than prevent. That's why we must stand together in this effort:
October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day during which I hope you'll join me in lighting a candle. If everyone lights a candle at 7 PM, and lets it burn for an hour, there will be a continuous wave of light across the world, a light that will remind us what we must do to make sure this issue is heard.
So, how can you help?
http://www.october15th.com/ for more information. Also, visit
Antigone Lost who has spearheaded this movement in the IF community to see more specific actions you can take. We are blessed enough to live in a nation that is home to the most innovative medical advancements in the world. There is absolutely no excuse why more research and funding cannot be devoted towards this issue.
I am going to light 3 candles on Oct 15 at 7 PM. I'm going to think of my little babies and all the babies that my friends have lost, all the babies that were meant to be, but didn't make it.
October 15th - we have a date at 7:00 local time :)
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
My friend and I will be lighting a candle...thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for sharing this, Shelby.
I'll definitely light a candle for a very good friend who has had 10 m/c.
ps. You are being such a great bloggy friend by creating more awareness on infertility.
Thanks for bringing this to the surface. My candle will be lit too. You are making great strides considering posting this on your "real" blog too. If you do, I hope the support your family and friends show you is nothing but wonderful.
Great letter in your last post BTW. Very eloquently written. You did it in a tone for change and not "You suck and I'm pissed." WTG, Shelby!! Did you get any response?
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