Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Somehow Even More Blasphemous Than the Last

How is it that THIS woman is able to get pregnant and have a baby and I am not? Seriously. The universe keeps mocking me.


Nikki said...

This one infuriated me! It's like our grandmothers can get pregnant but we can't!! What about advanced maternal age? What about the tick tock tick tock of the said biological clock? CRAP!!!

I mean seriously - which 70 and 72 year old is even "trying" to get pregnant? Is the 72 year old husband even "functional" in that department??

Lorraine said...

If you were paying Indian prices for IVF and didn't mind if it wasn't clear which sperm and ova were used for your pregnancy, I'm sure you would be just as pregnant as that woman. She is a medical experiment, and you are not.

banditgirl said...

I couldn't get passed by the first line, actually. I can't even know about such things right now. It's just adding to the general fucked-up-ness of this universe that's been treating us so unfairly.
P.s. Can you tell I'm mad?

luna said...

that is just too messed up. on so many levels.

Just Me. said...

Yes, I saw this on the news.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

What is wrong with people? This is insanity.

Michelle said...

I know I saw this and it rendered me speechless (which does not happen very often). It does not make any sense. Why would you want to even have a baby at 70? And not to mention it just adds to everyones comments who says "oh don't worry about getting pregnant if a 70 year old can do it then you can"...SHUT UP!!!

Karen said...

OK, it obviously wasn't her eggs because there's no freakin' way at her age that there aren't "egg quality issues." I had crappy eggs at half her age. As for the sperm, well, look at Larry King. What struck me is the statement that they've faced the social stigma of being childless for the past 55 years. There's more stigma being childless than having a baby at SEVENTY! How twisted the world is.

Lost in Space said...

There are just too many things wrong with this one. They will likely be dead before their child is even a teenager. It just seems irresponsible on the part of the clinic.

Angie said...

This one pissed me off too. I saw it on the news the other night and had to walk out of the room. How can that woman afford IVF and I can't. What a joke.