Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I am Hereby Employed

So the TSA and Oakland PD thing was never the issue. It turns out that when there are delays because of shady backgrounds, the school district gets a copy of the rap sheet. Seeing as how there never was any rap sheet to begin with, they didn't receive anything. As someone previously hypothesized (I forgot who!), I suspect it was due to the state finger print peeps being backlogged as after I left a panicked message begging them to free me from my pajama-wearing, lazy-ass self, they called back this morning saying that it would be expedited and cleared today (my message was really pathetic, earning me 100,000 sympathy points). Therefore, tomorrow, I will be officially employed and regretting that I ever made that call to begin with. There's just something satisfying about skipping meals to play 12 straight hours of the Sims. And something really, really sad.


Nikki said...

Congratulations on clearing the fingerprinting and background check! And on being able to go back to work!!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Congrats on employment!!

g said...

congrats on the new job!! and being "all cleared" ;)

AnotherDreamer said...

Congrats on the job, finally! Glad it went through, but so sorry you had to wait in limbo.

Josée Martens said...

Ha! But it made for a very good story. Congrats on being cleared. I don't want to be unemployed and I don't want to work. What to do?

Lost in Space said...

Congrats on starting your new job. I'm sorry for all the stress, but your story on why you thought things were delayed was great.

Enjoy your new and shortened commute and keep us posted on how it is going. (: